I didn't know that
Walt Disney World was its own industry, but apparently it is listed by Google Directory as a
category along with everything else in the new poll. If Google says it's true, it must be true --just like Wikipedia! Speaking of Wikipedia, have you ever seen our school's entry on
Wikipedia? I think once upon a time there was some more stuff about the school on there but it must have been defaced sometime ago. I've thrown up our link on the page. Of note however are some of the notable alumni from our school!
Karl Rove for one might be a familiar name (since maybe he's been running the U.S. government for the last seven years over Bush) I'm impressed by the people making headlines but in the meantime until all of us can make that list, there's a new poll up finding out what you're doing right about now in "industry" so you can give us a sneak peak as to what Noble, Oscar, Grammy or X-Prize category you'll fall into one day. That poll and and "
Where are you in 2008" run until 6/1/2008 and we'll blog the results and think of something creative to fill its place. Enjoy!